The Importance and Impact of Media Marketing


The importance of media marketing 

I have learned so many valuable things when it comes to media marketing and the main one being the importance of it. Media marketing can provide every business with vital tools to help it grow! Media marketing is so much more than just posting pictures on social media. Media marketing involves researching, watching, analyzing, sending emails, starting campaigns, and so on…

The must use tools of media marketing  

There are so many valuable tools that make digital and social media marketing possible and so much easier! Below are just some of the tools I have learned that can make a huge impact in your business! 

  • Blogging 

  • Blogging can help businesses grow in so many ways like by helping them build relationships with their customers by sharing about their business, informing customers about their products, or giving them helpful tools and tricks. Blogs can also help bring more traffic to businesses websites! Blogs help business owners put themselves out there and encourage readers to follow them or join their email list. 

  • Social Media Platforms 

    Social Media platforms are one of the first things you think of when you think of media marketing, and it is a vital one! Social media platforms can help you grow your business by sharing content with your customers so they can see more about what your business is and what it stands for. It is also a great way to interact with customers by liking their posts, commenting, sharing content, and answering their messages! I have learned over the course of this course how business owners should do their best to utilize as many platforms as they can on social media because all of them are unique and different, reaching people in different ways. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter are the main ones that businesses can start with! The more social media platforms the more people you can reach and the better! Made New Permanent Jewelry with a Mission (@made_new_jewelrywithamission) • Instagram photos and videos


  • Social Media Campaigns 
  • Social media campaigns are how businesses make the most of social media to help them grow their business! Just posting content is not enough, you can create campaigns to run ads and reach more users and

    drive more action! You can create

    campaigns that are geared to bringing you more followers, website visits, direct messages, and sales. All of these are valuable things in order to grow as a business and can be triggered through campaigns! By using campaigns, you are actually doing something with the content th

    at you spent time designing and creating. 

  • Email & Website Marketing 

  • Next is email marketing, this is a helpful tool that can bring more customers to your website! By email marketing you are reminding customers about your business and products in emails that are informing them about products, sales, or events. Within each email if done effectively you will have multiple backlinks that customers can click bringing them to your website, social media pages, or directly to products to purchase. All of these things can be good for getting new customers and keeping returning customers! 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • SEO’s help you maximize your content by learning what it is that customers are looking for where and when. Having great content doesn't do much for your business if your customers can't find it. SEO includes looking at things like keywords, title pages, backlinks, organic traffic, and so on. All of these things are important to look at when trying to grow your business. 

  • Google Ads
  • Google Display Ads
  • Google Analytics 

  • All of these google tools are useful to build brand awareness, generate conversions, and drive action to your website and business. I did not realize how useful these tools can be and how much they can help your business grow! Google Ads, Display Ads, and Google Analytics all have so much to them and can help in so many ways and should not be neglected. 

    Media Marketing and Future Impact 

    As a small business owner, media marketing can make such an impact if I start doing all of the things listed above. While it does seem overwhelming at times, I can see the importance of every one of the tools and the impact digital and social media marketing will have for the growth of my business! I just have to start one thing at a time and not be afraid to constantly be analyzing and evaluating what is working and what isn't. 

    Being innovative is very important for every entrepreneur and it is one of the main things that I have learned from digital and social media marketing. If you are innovative then you will be on top of all of the new trends and will be ready to use it to the best of your advantage! 

    To reach more blogs about the tools listed above individually click the link below! 

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